Physics Teacher Resources

             by the Sioux Falls Physics Teachers

AP Physics Overview

AP Physics Lesson Plans

AP Physics Videos

AP Physics Labs




$30  per semester for AP Physics Labs
         (Items #AP-L-1 and #AP-L-2)
$50  for the full year of AP Physics Labs

         (Item #AP-L-3)

AP Physics - Semester 1 Labs: 
$30  (Item #AP-L-1)
      11 exploratory/short labs
      8 formal labs
      6 Pre-Lab introduction videos for formal labs
      8 grading rubrics
AP Physics - Semester 2 Labs: 
$30  (Item #AP-L-2)
      4 exploratory/short labs
      8 formal labs
      7 Pre-Lab introduction videos for formal labs
      8 grading rubrics

Labs are provided in Word files to make editing as simple as possible.  Two types of labs are used in our classes and are included on the DVD:
  Exploratory labs (also called “Short Labs”) are informal labs, not requiring a separate written lab report.  Exploratory labs are done to introduce a new topic, or to practice measurements and calculations involving a current topic, and are usually reasonably short.  In many cases, a “SmartBoard” file of the lab directions has also been provided, and we simply put this file on the board instead of printing out a hard copy of the lab directions.
   Formal Application labs apply a concept that has already been studied in some detail.  A lab report is required from students to communicate what methods were used and what results were achieved for the experiment.  Grading rubrics are included for these labs.  We require our students to watch a Pre-Lab video before most formal labs to familiarize themselves with the lab procedures (these videos are also included).  This has allowed us to spend less time discussing procedures in class and more time actually completing lab procedures.
We make use of TI-calculators, LabQuest data collection, Vernier probes, and LoggerPro software for many data collection labs.  (LoggerPro template files have been provided for all LoggerPro labs).  In all cases, the labs provided are simply meant to provide examples of suitable lab activities for AP Physics classes.  Teachers will need to evaluate their available equipment and are free to revise the labs as necessary to fit their individual resources. 
1st Semester Preview:
Labs ~ Formal Lab

(Note:  Previews are in pdf format, but the DVD contains editable Word files)

1st Semester Preview:
Labs ~ Short Lab

(Note:  Previews are in pdf format, but the DVD contains editable Word files)

2nd Semester Preview:
Labs ~ Formal Lab

(Note:  Previews are in pdf format, but the DVD contains editable Word files)

2nd Semester Preview:
Labs ~ Short Lab

(Note:  Previews are in pdf format, but the DVD contains editable Word files)


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Copyright 2012 by Newitt & Newitt
Sioux Falls Physics Teachers Productions