~ Physics Homework Tutorial
Our homework tutorial Vodcasts are
designed to be "at-home tutors" for our students. In these
Vodcasts, we simply take a typical homework problem and work out the
solution, talking through it as we go. This allows students to see
examples of how to do problems, as well as hear our thought processes as
we show the solution. We recorded these problems using a
SmartBoard, and did not use the picture-in-picture option as we
recorded. (We did, however, add in a few picture-in-picture videos
of appropriate examples like the right-hand rule.)
Our students are not required to view these tutorial
Vodcasts, although many do. Many students tell us that when they
are stuck on a homework problem, they will look for a similar homework
tutorial Vodcast and watch that video for hints on how to complete the
problem. Other students tell us that they go back and watch some
of these tutorial Vodcasts to review for quizzes & tests. (In this
case, they usually try to work the problem on their own first, then
fast-forward to the end of the video to see if they were right.)
If you're interested in trying this approach with your
students, but don't have the time to record your own tutorials right now, you
can try it out by viewing some selected tutorials on
YouTube, or purchasing a
a DVD that can be copied for
student home use.
~ Examples of Homework
Tutorial Vodcasts
~ Direct Instruction Vodcasts
We have created direct instruction Vodcasts for
a variety of situations. For a few carefully selected units
(particularly units that contain very important basic information like
forces and energy), we have completely "flipped" our classrooms and
deliver all the direct instruction for that unit via Vodcast. This
frees up time in class for our students to participate in exploratory or
lab activities and for us to spend more time helping our students one on
one to be sure they have the concepts down.
In other units, we pick occasional topics that lend
themselves better to direct instruction by Vodcast. For instance,
we might have the students watch a Vodcast lecture as homework so we can
have a better discussion in class or use our class time for extension
activities instead.
Finally, direct instruction Vodcasts have been a
fabulous option when we have to miss school. No more writing
detailed substitute instructions . . . we just put the information in a
Vodcast and have the students watch that in our absence.
We use many editing components to incorporate good teaching
pedagogy into our direct instruction Vodcasts as much as possible.
For instance, we include the objectives for each lesson at the
beginning of the Vodcast. Adding a table of contents helps students see the
overall structure of the lesson. Callouts are used to draw
attention to important points, diagrams, or notes. Most direct
instruction Vodcasts are recorded using the picture-in-picture option so
students can see us as we talk to them throughout the video. We
also try to keep the direct instruction Vodcasts interesting by adding
music and video clips (often home videos, but sometimes of movies or
pertinent clips from YouTube.)
~ Examples of Direct
Instruction Vodcasts
~ Lab Introduction Vodcasts
The lab introduction Vodcasts are required
viewing for our students before each formal lab. We spend no class
time introducing labs, which considerably increases the class time
available to complete the actual lab procedures. In addition,
students are exposed to a much more detailed lab introduction, and seem
to have a much better grasp on the lab procedures.
We use the picture-in-picture option when we record the
lab introduction Vodcasts so students can see us talking to them.
In addition, we include many images and videos of lab equipment in use.
We also screen capture any of the computer software that the students
will be using (such as LoggerPro) so that they are familiar with the
commands and procedures they will be using. Finally, each lab
introduction Vodcast includes several conclusion questions to review the
lab material and procedures. Students are given a pre-lab quiz
before completing the lab, which adds motivation for them to watch the
lab introduction Vodcast and complete the practice questions carefully.
~ Examples of Lab
Introduction Vodcasts
Interference Patterns
- this example shows video of an
online simulation and an embedded link to that simulation |