Physics Teacher Resources

             by the Sioux Falls Physics Teachers

Conceptual Physics Overview

Conceptual Physics Videos

Conceptual Physics Labs

Conceptual Physics Packets




The "Conceptual Physics Videos" are 15-20 minute videos introducing a new Physics concept.  The total of 73 videos for the two semesters span an entire year of curriculum for a typical first-year Conceptual Physics class.  The videos may be used to replace formal lectures to deliver new material to students (as in the "flipped" classroom) or simply to supplement curriculum or assist students who are struggling or who have been absent.  The videos are included as mp4 files.
$75  per semester for Conceptual Physics Videos 
          (Items #CP-V-1 and #CP-V-2)

$125  for the full year of Conceptual Physics Videos

          (Item #CP-V-3)

Conceptual Physics - Semester 1 Videos: 
$75  (Item #CP-V-1)

      37 lecture videos of Physics concepts


Conceptual Physics - Semester 2 Videos: 
$75  (Item #CP-V-2)

      36 lecture videos of Physics concepts


Video lectures of new content are available in mp4 format for most Conceptual Physics topics.  These videos are created specifically to replace a classroom lecture and are used to “flip” our classrooms.  Students watch the more formal videos in place of a classroom lecture, allowing more class time for individual instruction.  In all cases, teachers are free to make these videos available to their students in their classroom or DVD form if desired.  However, it is illegal to distribute the videos electronically (such as on a web site) unless they are password protected for use by the individual educator’s students only

  1st Semester Preview:
Resultant Vectors Video
2nd Semester Preview:
Universal Gravitation Video

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Teacher Resources Home Page

Copyright 2012 by Newitt & Newitt
Sioux Falls Physics Teachers Productions